For the film we are going to record, we had to think of an idea and develop it. This is the topic I have come up with. Hope you all like it 馃挋 A man is sitting at a disk, rubbing with his thumb a silver spoon, with the peculiarity oh having a red handle, as he stares blankly at the wall in front of him, thoughtful about that spoon. He goes to the kitchen to see if he can recall something about the belonging of the spoon and suddenly he finally remembers. Enthusiasm envelops every contour of his face as if an incredibly idea has his truck his mind. He takes his keys as if he was in a hurry and exits the building running into the streets until he arrives to a park. From there, he goes searching for a specific place in the park. The man stops... he is where he should be. He whips out the spoon, stares at it with amazement, kneels down and he starts digging. A loud clunk is heard and his discovers up a peculiar box. When he opens the container, he finds a silver knife and forth wit...